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”We work together with a dedicated team at Het PR Bureau. A great mix of creativity and PR expertise. In close collaboration with their network in media, influencers and behind the stage, they make plans happen.”

Esther ter Braak - Brand Manager

“For a startup brand like ours, it was extremely important to see frequent media coverage. Het PR Bureau has laid the foundation for our growth from Amsterdam to 6 other cities in the Netherlands. Despite our relatively modest budgets, we were able to achieve enormous coverage together. I look back on a number of activations with great pleasure.”

Vincent Hosman - Country Manager Nederland

"Netflix was ​​looking for the best suitable communication partner in every country. This could also be a 'local hero', as long as they are big enough. For the introduction of Netflix in the Netherlands and Belgium, we have partnered up with Het PR Bureau. The desired Service Level Agreement was new to Het PR Bureau, but they adapted very quickly and it soon surfaced. Within the international framework, they surprised us with their proactivity and creative ideas."

Joris Evers - Vice President Netflix, Head of Communications Europe, Middle East & Africa

”The uniqueness of Het PR Bureau is that the people are able to both think on a strategic level and at the same time roll up their sleeves to set up an event or activation. A high-quality one-stop-shop in the field of PR, that is what we were looking for and what we ultimately found in Het PR Bureau.”

Wieteke van Hunnik - PR & Communications manager

“In de zoektocht naar een bureau dat ons merk in de Benelux kon introduceren, kwamen we na een intensieve oriëntatie bij Het PR Bureau uit. Hun netwerk, ondernemerszin en drive gaven de doorslag. We waren onder de indruk van hun professionaliteit. De strategie van het bureau is dat ze VAPs (Very Adorable People) op cruciale posities aan het werk zetten. Intussen hebben we, sinds de start in 2011, ruim zeven jaar samengewerkt. Ik kan gerust stellen dat Het PR Bureau een belangrijke rol heeft gespeeld in het groot maken van Spotify in de Benelux. "

Alison Bonny - Communicatie Directeur EMEA, Spotify
Zilveren Kruis

“Het PR Bureau is a smart, professional group of people with nice perspectives where I felt at home immediately. Especially in a very difficult market such as the insurance industry, in which many interests play a role and which has many limitations, they did very well. I regard Het PR Bureau as a premium agency. With such a partner you can be assured that your campaign will be executed impeccably.”

Walter de Reus - Brand Manager